Friday, November 11, 2011

I got married 12 years ago to a wonderful man.  Together we became Christians and had 3 wonderful children.  About a year and a half ago, we got another BIG surprise when we found out we were going to have our fourth child.  I have always felt that children are a blessing, but I didn't want to have another child because we were done(our youngest son was turning 5 and about to go to kindergarten).  About 8wks into the pregnancy, I almost miscarried and was put on bedrest for a week.  It was during that time that I asked for forgiveness for ever thinking that I wouldn't want this child, what a blessing it was going to be.  It was then that we decided to name the baby Jadon(a biblical name that means "Thankful" because that is what I was).  We didn't want to know the sex of the baby and did not find out - it would be Jadon either way.  Around the time that I was four months pregnant I had the testing done for Downs Syndrome.  The results came back that our baby could have a very serious genetic condition that was life threatening.  I had to have an amniocentesis and then wait 10 days for the results.  So we prayed and we waited. When the results came in, it turned out that our baby did not have any chromosomal abnormalities.  I went through the rest of my pregnancy still seeing a specialist for extra fluid and then they thought the baby had a gap in its skull.  By the end of my pregnancy, the specialist felt that everything would be fine and I had my fourth c-section on July 23, 2010.  When Jadon(our beautiful baby boy) was born, he was bloated with fluid and was having a hard time breathing.  They ended up life flighting him to a larger hospital where he spent the first 3 1/2 days without me(they would not release me from the hospital for other reasons).  It was so hard being away from him(my husband was with him) but I knew God was there beside him the whole time.  We found out several weeks later that Jadon was born with a genetic condition called Noonan's Syndrome.  He has had several health problems since that time and has had to have surgery.  Through all of it, Jadon has been the happiest baby, always smiling and putting smiles on the faces of all those he comes into contact with.  He has truly touched my life in ways that are indescribable.  When I look into his little eyes, it's like I'm looking into the face of an angel.  God knew what he was doing when he gave us Jadon and through him I get to experience God's love every day.  Jadon joined two sisters and one brother who couldn't love or care for him more.  He has truly changed all of our lives and I have a feeling he's not done changing lives yet!

~Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.  Psalm 127:3


  1. Psalm 127:3 is one of my favorite Bible verses. It is amazing how God uses such precious little children to touch and transform our lives in so many different ways. This verse is a great example of how God knows exactly what He is doing when He puts children in our lives, they are His gift. I have a very special place in my heart for children with special needs and I believe God uses children with special needs in truely remarkable ways. He has a plan for each and every one of us but I think He has a special plan for children with special needs because they always seem to touch my heart in ways other children can't. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story, I really appreciate it!

  2. I enjoyed reading your post about your last born son. My son is Joshua and he has Autism, he is 24 yrs. old. I had similar birth problems. When I was four months pregnant with him my oldest son say "Mom, I had a dream that you were going to have a boy, you should name him, Joshua, and I did. He is really a dream of a child, so pleasant to have around.Unfortunately, his father took off when he was just seven years old. I hope to marry again but men don't stay around once I tell them I have a son with special needs. Maybe God has something in store for me~the perfect man~ Jesus.
