Thursday, December 22, 2011

Note of Appreciation and Gratitude

Dear Friends,
I didn't have the time in my busy schedule to post a comment on every one's blogs, but I'm hoping that you will all receive this message.  I want to say a sincere and heartfelt "Thank You" for all of the ways that you have helped me to be successful in this program.  You have all given such great advice and taken the time to respond to me and I truly appreciate it.  It is so refreshing to come to know other people who love and care for children as much as I do.  Sometimes this world looks very dark but you are all the light that breaks through that darkness and I am grateful for each one of you.  May the experience you have had in this class take you to new understandings of the field of early childhood education.  Thanks to all of you I am experiencing the field like I never have before.  Best of luck in your future classes(hopefully we'll be in some together).  I know that you will all do wonderfully.  I pray God will bless your lives the way he has blessed mine with getting to know all of you.  Merry Christmas and have a Happy and fulfilling New Year!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Codes of Ethics

NAEYC Ideals/ DEC code of Ethics
I 1.1 – To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training (NAEYC 2005, April).
·         We shall strive for the highest level of personal and professional competence by seeking and using new evidence based information to improve our practices while also responding openly to the suggestions of others (The Division for Early Childhood., 2000, August)
Significance to Me:
These statements made in these codes of ethics are very important to me as I am just entering my master’s degree program in Early Childhood Studies.  I chose this field because I believe in the importance of it.  I believe in the importance of continuing education as well and that is why I have gone back to school.  I think when we keep learning, we are better equipped to help children and families not just academically, but personally as well.  We not only take ourselves to a higher level, but we expand the knowledge and experiences of those children and families that we interact with.
I 1.3 - To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities and potential or each child (NAEYC 2005, April).
·         We shall demonstrate our respect and concern for children, families, colleagues, and others with whom we work, honoring their beliefs, values, customs, languages, and cultures (The Division for Early Childhood., 2000, August).
Significance to Me:
These statements I think describe me very well because I feel I do this for the students that I teach.  The reason that I became a teacher was to make a difference in the lives of children.  I think that begins when we respect children and see them for the person they could become and not limit our views to the student they are when we first meet them.  I think that we should never underestimate a child or label them, but instead help them reach the highest goal they can with the abilities that they have.  We can achieve this by involving their families and respecting where they come from and the beliefs and values that they bring with them into our classrooms.

I 1.9 -  To advocate for and ensure that all children including those with special needs have access to the support services needed to be successful (NAEYC 2005, April).
·         We shall advocate for equal access to high quality services and supports for all children’s families and enhance their quality of lives (The Division for Early Childhood., 2000, August).
Significance to Me:
I can say that up to a year and a half ago, this statement probably wouldn’t have had as great a significance to me as it does today.  When my last child was born, he was born with a genetic condition that has played a part in his development.  So far he has met all of his developmental milestones except for growth but cognitively he is right where he should be.  They did tell us when he was diagnosed that there was the possibility that he could have learning disabilities.  I think I have always believed that ALL children should have the best services that they can for success, but I have become an even bigger advocate now that ALL truly means ALL.  Children with special needs should not be treated any differently than other children when it comes to access for services and all families should be shown or given the knowledge of what services are available.  I can say that I was truly ignorant of what is actually out there and available to people until my son needed these services.  I have made it my goal to make sure ALL families have access to any and all services that will help their children succeed in life.

 NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Early Childhood Resources

I posted my resources on the side of my main page under my profile because I thought we were supposed to create a section on the blog for them so that they would stay there.  I then realized that my blog wasn't showing up on the blog board, so I'm putting this post on so that you will know where to find my resources.  Thanks.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

"A person's a person, no matter how small."
~Dr. Seuss

"Attachment to a baby is a long-term process, not a single, magical moment.  The opportunity for bonding at birth may be compared to falling in love- staying in love takes longer and demands more work."
                                                 ~T. Berry Brazelton

"Parents don't make mistakes because they don't care, but because they care so deeply."
                                                                                        ~T. Berry Brazelton

"We are decision makers.  As adults caring for children, it is our responsibility to seek out and intentionally plan the best opportunities for children that support their over-all well being and healthy development."
                                                  ~ Susan Bredekamp

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."  ~Stacia Tauscher
"We as professionals in the early childhood field have an opportunity to shape a child's life for the better."
~Sandy Escobido(Video - The Passion for Early Childhood)

"I'm not here to save the world, I'm here just to make a difference in the community that I'm working.  Making a difference may sometimes mean helping one child be able to be successful in the classroom."   ~ Raymond Hernandez (Video - The Passion for Early Childhood)

"While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about."
~Angela Schwindt

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Personal Chidhood Web

Friday, November 11, 2011

I got married 12 years ago to a wonderful man.  Together we became Christians and had 3 wonderful children.  About a year and a half ago, we got another BIG surprise when we found out we were going to have our fourth child.  I have always felt that children are a blessing, but I didn't want to have another child because we were done(our youngest son was turning 5 and about to go to kindergarten).  About 8wks into the pregnancy, I almost miscarried and was put on bedrest for a week.  It was during that time that I asked for forgiveness for ever thinking that I wouldn't want this child, what a blessing it was going to be.  It was then that we decided to name the baby Jadon(a biblical name that means "Thankful" because that is what I was).  We didn't want to know the sex of the baby and did not find out - it would be Jadon either way.  Around the time that I was four months pregnant I had the testing done for Downs Syndrome.  The results came back that our baby could have a very serious genetic condition that was life threatening.  I had to have an amniocentesis and then wait 10 days for the results.  So we prayed and we waited. When the results came in, it turned out that our baby did not have any chromosomal abnormalities.  I went through the rest of my pregnancy still seeing a specialist for extra fluid and then they thought the baby had a gap in its skull.  By the end of my pregnancy, the specialist felt that everything would be fine and I had my fourth c-section on July 23, 2010.  When Jadon(our beautiful baby boy) was born, he was bloated with fluid and was having a hard time breathing.  They ended up life flighting him to a larger hospital where he spent the first 3 1/2 days without me(they would not release me from the hospital for other reasons).  It was so hard being away from him(my husband was with him) but I knew God was there beside him the whole time.  We found out several weeks later that Jadon was born with a genetic condition called Noonan's Syndrome.  He has had several health problems since that time and has had to have surgery.  Through all of it, Jadon has been the happiest baby, always smiling and putting smiles on the faces of all those he comes into contact with.  He has truly touched my life in ways that are indescribable.  When I look into his little eyes, it's like I'm looking into the face of an angel.  God knew what he was doing when he gave us Jadon and through him I get to experience God's love every day.  Jadon joined two sisters and one brother who couldn't love or care for him more.  He has truly changed all of our lives and I have a feeling he's not done changing lives yet!

~Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.  Psalm 127:3

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Warm Welcoming to All

Welcome to my first ever blog! I have been married for 12 years to a wonderful man and I am a very proud mother of four beautiful children.  I have two girls and two boys ages ranging from 11yrs to 15mths.  I am also a full-time second grade teacher.  I love both of these jobs very much(being a mother and an educator).  I got inspiration to become a teacher when I was in third grade and I had a teacher who was very passionate about her job and loved teaching.  She made me want to become someone who could touch others' lives through teaching.  I spent several years after gaining my bachelor's degree substitute teaching and working in the schools.  I also took some time to raise three of my four children.  I have had the opportunity to care for small children in my home while being there for my own children.  I gained a full-time teaching position 4 yrs ago and it has been great.  In my very busy life I enjoy spending time with God and my family.  I am a very devout Christian woman and I believe that God has led me down every path I have taken for one reason or another.  My life is a great blessing and I'm thankful for the chance to get to learn from some other professionals.   I'm not sure that I am doing any of this correctly, but I am trying to follow all of the guidelines established for us.  I found this first week of class very interesting, edcuational, and a bit challenging at times.  I hope you all are doing well and adjusting and if I can help in any way, just drop me a line.