Sunday, November 6, 2011

Warm Welcoming to All

Welcome to my first ever blog! I have been married for 12 years to a wonderful man and I am a very proud mother of four beautiful children.  I have two girls and two boys ages ranging from 11yrs to 15mths.  I am also a full-time second grade teacher.  I love both of these jobs very much(being a mother and an educator).  I got inspiration to become a teacher when I was in third grade and I had a teacher who was very passionate about her job and loved teaching.  She made me want to become someone who could touch others' lives through teaching.  I spent several years after gaining my bachelor's degree substitute teaching and working in the schools.  I also took some time to raise three of my four children.  I have had the opportunity to care for small children in my home while being there for my own children.  I gained a full-time teaching position 4 yrs ago and it has been great.  In my very busy life I enjoy spending time with God and my family.  I am a very devout Christian woman and I believe that God has led me down every path I have taken for one reason or another.  My life is a great blessing and I'm thankful for the chance to get to learn from some other professionals.   I'm not sure that I am doing any of this correctly, but I am trying to follow all of the guidelines established for us.  I found this first week of class very interesting, edcuational, and a bit challenging at times.  I hope you all are doing well and adjusting and if I can help in any way, just drop me a line.

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