Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Supports

My greatest form of support comes from my faith and relationship with God.  I find the strength and support I need daily by praying and by reading the Bible.  I know that I would not get through each day without the guidance and grace of the Lord.  When I am able to pray I feel peace in a world that constantly throws challenges at me.  When I come across hard times or challenges, I can overcome them by praying or reading the Bible.  Without this support system I would be lost and incomplete. 

Another form of support that I have is from my family and when I say family, I mean all of them.  I have my immediate family (my husband and children) who are there to help me every day.  When I decided to go back to school to get my master’s degree,  I told my husband how difficult it was going to be for me to take care of the house, go to work, and complete the work I would have to do for my classes.  He assured me that he would help out more around the house and he has been truly AMAZING.  I couldn’t do this without him.  He allows me time to complete my work and keeps the children out of the room when I am working.  He tries really hard to do all of the things around the house that I would normally do and if he knows that I have extra tasks to complete, he will ask me what he can do to help.   My children support me with their love and smiles.  I have four beautiful children who are very well behaved (although they are not perfect and have their moments) and just looking at them each morning is such a terrific blessing.  They get up and get ready for me each morning without a fight and that helps support me in my schedule.  All three of the older ones help out when I need it with my 20month old and they are exceptional children.  I think that if they were more challenging it would be more difficult, but for me they are one of my greatest forms of support.  Just to see their faces each day keeps me going and reminds me the worth of this life.  My extended family (sisters, in-laws, parents, and friends) also shows me support.  My sisters have always been there for me.  I have four and all of them support me in similar yet different ways.  I know that if I ever need something (and I mean anything) they would be there to provide it.  They have helped me out physically, emotionally, and monetarily when I have needed it and there is no way that I will ever be able to repay what they have given me.  When I’m not sure of something I should do, or a topic in class, I just call my twin sister and she helps me through it.  She helps me bounce ideas around and when she thinks I’m not doing something right, she tells me.  They have all helped me out with my children and when my youngest was born with many physical challenges, they were right there to support me and my family.  I couldn’t have gotten through the first year of his life without them.  I also have to include my mom and my in-laws here because they did the same.  My mother and father in-law watch my children for me each day.  They come to my house and finish getting my children ready for school when I have to leave for the day and then they care for my little guy and pick the kids up at the bus stop and watch them until I get home.  It would be much easier for them to be at their house, but they come to mine in order to help me out.  My mother in-law also takes care of things around my house for me.  She does my laundry (which builds up fast with four children) and will also throw dinner in for me if I ask her to.  My house is always in order when I get home from work which is an amazing support that I don’t know what I would do without.  My friends are there to listen to me when I need to vent and I have two really good friends who go and have dinner with me once a month.  Our free time together away from our families helps us to stay in check and support each other in our daily lives.  I also work with amazing people.  I carpool with two girls from my hometown and that is a huge support in this economy today.  I also team teach with a wonderful woman who helps me out when I may need it.  We work very well together and do things for each other to show support. 
When thinking in terms of practical support I think of the support of having a set routine in getting ready in the morning.  I stick to my routine daily and it helps me know what I need to do each day and possibly what I haven’t done.  I use my calendar to write important events or appointments on and even though I don’t always look at it, I have it in a spot now where I have to see it when I walk into the kitchen.  Monetary support is also necessary in this day in age.  It seems that everything costs money these days and without it, life is more difficult.  My family is very fortunate that we both have good jobs and are able to provide the things for our family that they need.  We are also able to give to certain causes that need assistance and giving back is very important to me.
Without these supports (especially the people) in my life, my life would definitely be more difficult.  I do know that I will always have the love and support of my Lord which gets me through each day, but I do not want to imagine a life without the other people that I know and love.  These people support me in ways that are indispensable and I can’t imagine my life without them.  I often think about other people who do not have the support system that I have and I wonder how they get through each day.  I guess when I think about that I try to think about how I can be a support in their life and I try to be a good friend and support system for people around me.  I want to do anything I can to make other people’s lives as fulfilling as mine is. 

I chose the challenge of having a physical disability such as being in a wheelchair.  I have often thought of how my life would be different if I had a disability such as this.  I have a very strong faith, so I know that I would be ok emotionally because that support is within my soul.  Physically I know that I would have the help of those people around me.  I think that is what is nice about having such a great support system, because I know that no matter what challenges occur in my life, I will have people there to support and help me no matter what.  These people would help get me in and out of bed, dress me, bath me, help provide my meals, and take me where I need to go.  I would also need accommodations in the way my house is set up and how I would get from place to place.  I know the people in my life would help me make all of these changes and support me in living life daily with this challenge.  If I did not have this support system, life would be much more challenging in the physical realm.  I have someone in my family who is in a wheelchair because of MS.  We are her support system and I see all of the physical challenges she has that she needs assistance with.  She is a great inspiration emotionally because she has accepted her illness and does not let it affect her mood or personality.  She does constantly need physical assistance though and without it she would not be able to do the things that she needs to do (like get into bed).  I think that the physical challenges would be the greatest concern if I did not have the support system that I have.  Support in our lives is very important and I think that is why it is always important to “pay it forward” and help other people out whatever chance we may get. 


  1. I did not think of the physical disability children as I have not seen any in my current school yet, but I can imagine the difficulty for the teachers and the child herself or himself, especially during the sports day and P.E. classes. I hope children can feel that everyone is included, but for certain things can be hard. By reading your post, I have gained some ideas of how to do with those children. Thank you very much.

  2. Dear Valerie,
    It is so comforting to know that in case of any unfortunate incidents one has people in his/her life who loves them truly and will take care of them. Physical disabilities can be a great challenge if there aren't people whom one can rely on. The lady you mentioned has such a great spirit and her story is so inspiring. Thanks a lot for your post


  3. Valerie,

    It is truly astonishing how God completes us and gives us strength to face the challenges we face every day. But what is really marvelous is that when we are burden down, he carries you through the storm. What a wonderful God we serve!!!

    I too have an extended family support. And we are blessed that because so many people are alone and they do not have that relationship with God that we have. This class has helped me understand how essential relationships are. Thanks for sharing. And I’m glad you have the relationships you have.
