Saturday, October 27, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

My Hope                                                                     

My hope for working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I will always remember that we are all connected to one another because of our humanity and not because of any outward characteristics that we have.  I hope to always show children and their families that they should celebrate their diversity and that their diversity will be celebrated and respected in the classroom they have become a part of.  My one true hope for this world is that we could all learn to love and respect one another through our differences.  That we can take the love of a God that created us and spread it around the world... until the whole world hears!

My Goal                                                                         

The goal that I would like to set for the early childhood field related to the issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is that all early childhood educators and workers would be afforded the opportunity to learn about these issues in their college classes or trainings.  I know that when I went to college I did not have any classes related to these issues and I know now that it would have helped me tremendously.  I think that diversity training/education should be a requirement now in any early childhood training.  We cannot live or display that which we are not aware of.  Knowledge is power and I believe it is important that all early childhood educators become armed with the true understanding of diversity, equity, and social justice if they want to make a difference in the lives of every child and family they will meet. 

THANK YOU                                                        

Thank you never seems like enough to say for all of the wisdom, ideas, and advice I have gotten from all of the people who are on this journey with me.  I just want you all to know that I appreciate all that you share and all of the many issues you have helped me to see more clearly.  I am truly a better person from getting to know and learn from each one of you.  You will each remain in my prayers and may God bless you and the work you are doing with others always! 


  1. Val,

    Wouldn't it be great if all people respected each other for their diversity? I think, as you said, that we have to first look for the similarities that we have, and then celebrate the differences.

    Like you, I did not have a great deal of exposure to issues related to diversity and equity when I went to college back in the dark ages. It would have been extremely helpful. I am thankful to have it now as we move forward and look forward to sharing concepts from the course with my teachers and teacher assistants.

    Thank you for the wonderful insights you have shared. I hope our paths will again cross in the future. Good luck as you continue your pursuit of a Master's Degree.

  2. Valerie, Thanks so much for sharing. I really enjoyed reading all of your posts. It is a good feeling to have someone else recognize your uniqueness and learn ways to appreciate them. I have enjoyed the learning how you have made efforts to display compassion and concern about the injustices that you have seen in the world. I love the ideals you have shared on how you will provide awareness for your children. I agree that there is a great need for all educators to have this class or training so that we as a team could try to diminish the affect that has been surprised upon our children.

  3. Hi Val, I agree with you that no matter if we have the opportunities to work with children from various backgrounds or not, it is important for us to have the knowledge to know how to work with them. I am saying this, because diversity is the trend of the world, people are moving from one country to another more regularly. We will have to work with children from all over the world sooner or later, so it is crucial for us to equip us with the knowledge. At the same time, it is important for early childhood educators to have more professional development opportunities to learn the knowledge. Thank you for sharing.

  4. It has been such a blessing reading your blog these past few weeks. I wish you the best in all of your future endeavors. Stay positive and continue to let the light that God has placed in you shine through. Allow the Lord to use you as you help others understand diversity and culture and add to their knowledge about the world.
