Saturday, February 23, 2013

Creating Art

B irth is the foundation of it all
I dentity forms before we begin to crawl
A ll of the people in our lives help us create
S tructures of love and structures of hate

A daptation to people and to places
N eglecting others’ feelings because of their faces
D ifferences can make us feel worthless inside

D eepening hurts and making us run and hide
I nequality making it hard to heal
V alued is what children long to feel
E ncouragement could help erase all the lies
R espect for every color, shape, and size
S eeing each child for what they could be
I ntent on creating a world that is prejudice free
T eaching others to learn from the sorrow
Y esterday’s gone but there’s always tomorrow


  1. Love your poem! I did a similar one. This definitely shows a side of art and lets people know how you feel about diversity. I can tell you really put some thought into this.

  2. Val,
    These word clearly define bias and diversity. You have used an artistic style to provide a better understanding of diversity. I find this to be informative and engaging. The poem is touching, and I would love to copy this to show to my students, with your persmision.

  3. Val,

    This is a great poem that shows your love of diversity. Your artform has a very unique design with a great message that goes with each letter!!

    We all must continue to embrace diversity!

  4. Valerie,
    I enjoyed your poem and the rhyming at the end. This would be nice to read to your class or in any classroom or even posted in the lobby for Diversity. I especially love how you related to all diversity, everything was included like: discrimination, able-ism, biases, and much more. Harro (2008) states that the core of our liberation is love, hope, self-esteem, balance, joy, support, security, spiritually, and authentic love for others; you state all this in this poem, good job!

  5. Reference:
    Harro, B. (2010). The cycle of liberation. In M. Adams, W. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (Figure 7.1 on p. 53, 2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
